Landowners Joining Together to Deal With Pipeline

From The Advertiser-Tribune:
How to negotiate for the best interests of landowners along the route of a proposed Sunoco Logistics pipeline was discussed Monday by a landowner group.
About a dozen people met in the garage of Ken Detterman of Bloomville to ask questions and begin making decisions on what the group hopes to achieve by organizing.
The planned pipeline of interest to people at the meeting covers 22 miles through Seneca County from the eastern side of Tiffin through the Bloomville area in a southeasterly direction.
Part of the line would follow an existing easement where a pipeline from the 1940s exists but is no longer used. Another part of it would bypass the existing easement and be rerouted through new area.
In the four-county area where landowners are organizing, there are 160 miles affected through Huron, Richland, Ashland and Wayne counties.
"The main objective is get a new right-of-way lease drawn up and get the 1942 lease abolished," Detterman said. He showed a copy of the easement agreement his grandfather had signed in 1942 with the Defense Plant.
Read more about this here. 

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