NEXUS Gas Transmission Project Looks to Weave Through Ohio Counties

From the Akron Beacon Journal:
The pipeline could be operating as early as November 2016, subject to market demand and regulatory approvals.
Details on the project are sketchy, but company officials have started to meet informally with local elected officials to outline plans and possible routes for the pipeline.
“It’s really early in the process,” spokeswoman Andrea Grover of Spectra Energy said.
The pipeline largely would follow existing utility corridors and 50-foot-wide easements the development’s partnership have acquired. It would require the construction of compressor stations and other facilities along the route.
Using existing corridors for the right-of-way would minimize environmental and local impacts, promoters said.
Environmentalists, nonetheless, have expressed unhappiness with the proposal.
Boy, that last sentence is really surprising!  Read the rest of the article here.

Also, from The Medina County Gazette:
Spectra officials sat down with [Medina County Commissioner Adam] Friedrick and several township trustees at a private meeting last week to discuss the project. 
“They’re years away from even starting this,” Friedrick said Friday. “They’re not even sure it will go through Medina County.” 
He said the company reached out to public officials so they would know about the project. That way, when or if the company starts sending out letters requesting easements on landowners’ properties for the pipeline, government officials won’t be caught off guard.
Read that whole article here.

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