Rural Action Shares Success Reducing Acid Mine Drainage

CARROLLTON, OHIO: Carroll Concerned Citizens will host Rural Action Coordinator Marissa Geib-Lautzenheiser at its June 6 meeting. She will share the organization’s collaborative success in the restoring local Huff Run watershed health from the affects of pre-regulation coal mining operations.

Rural Action’s mission is to foster social, economic, and environmental justice in Appalachia Ohio, and Rural Action believes every individual can make a difference in their community. It’s members, staff, and volunteers actively work on community-based, grassroots planning and development; environmental preservation and education; sustainable agriculture and forestry, and waste stream reorganization.

According to Coordinator Geib-Lautzenheiser, “There have been nineteen reclamation projects completed in the Huff Run Watershed, and one project is currently being designed for the Mud Run Watershed. These projects treat acid mine drainage (AMD) discharges before they reach the stream, greatly reducing the overall amount of pollution in the watershed.”

AMD is caused by a chemical reaction when pyrite in coal seams is exposed to water and oxygen. AMD contains high levels of iron, manganese and aluminum and often has a low pH (meaning acidic water) resulting in an orange precipitate that coats stream bottoms harming aquatic habitat and animals.

As coal mining operations increase in Carroll County, citizens are becoming more attuned to the potential impacts of bad mining practices and we are glad to see the success of this public/private collaborative to rectify the sins of the past.” said Paul Feezel of Carroll Concerned Citizens.

Adding final comment about their work, Ms. Geib-Lautzenheiser noted “Huff Run and Mud Run are proof that concentrated effort, support, and collaboration can result in marked water quality increases. We’ve seen the stream come back and be able to support healthy fish populations, and although there is still a lot of work to be done, we can celebrate our successes. We’re looking forward to replicating our work in Mud Run and beyond.”

The Rural Action presentation will be held at the Church of Christ, 353 Moody Ave. Carrollton, OH beginning at 7pm and is free and open to the public. 

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