Governor Kasich Taking Another Stab at Frack Tax

From The Columbus Dispatch:
Gov. John Kasich’s new severance tax on shale drillers died twice because his fellow Republicans couldn’t stomach raising taxes on the oil and gas industry.
Kasich is attempting to resurrect the new taxes by raising them a half-percentage point and directing a quarter of the total income from the tax to 33 counties mostly in the Appalachian region that are most affected by oil and gas exploration in Ohio’s shale formations.
“They approached us, and their political calculus was, all right, look, we think that if a severance tax isn’t done in this legislative session, then it’s quite possible it will go to the ballot,” said Tracy Drake, president of the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance, consisting of 16 counties that dominate the state’s shale activity.
Read the whole article by clicking right here.

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