Driessen: Activist Organizations Need to Make People Scared of Fracking to Keep the Money Rolling In

From ESR:
Then why do Hollywood and radical greens celebrate misleading films like Gasland and Promised Land – even after Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney's documentaryFrackNation completely demolished Gasland‘s lies and half-truths? Why do outfits like Food and Water Watch and the Sierra Club, and ill-informed activists like Yoko Ono, continue to scream hysterical nonsense about the process? 
Follow the money – and the ideology. Big Eco is big business, and big egos. It seeks ever more power and every greater control over our lives. Fracking threatens all of that. 
"What you get in your mailbox is a never-ending stream of crisis-related shrill material designed to evoke emotions," former National Audubon Society COO Dan Beard once admitted, "so that you will sit down and write a check" – or click the "Donate Now" button. This multi-billion-dollar-per-year industry would collapse without the crisis du jourit conjures up, with help from the news media, politicians and regulators. 
Deep Ecology adherents view fossil fuels as evil incarnate, and believe fervently in "peak oil" and Climate Armageddon. They are frustrated that fracking guarantees a hydrocarbon renaissance and predominance for decades to come, and helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions without massive economic sacrifice. 
They also tend to be well-off, and clueless about the true sources of modern living standards. They have disturbingly callous attitudes about people who have lost their jobs because of Mr. Obama's war on coal and cheap energy – and about poor rural New York families that are barely hanging onto their farms, unable to tap the Marcellus Shale riches beneath their land, because Governor Cuomo refuses to lift his moratorium on fracking. Many don't give a spotted owl hoot about the world's impoverished billions, whose hope for better lives depends on the reliable, affordable electricity that "frack gas" can help bring.
Read the rest of the article here.

Do you agree?  Are these organizations driven by self-preservation when coming up with the latest item to target with their initiatives?  Or are they sincere?

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