ODNR Holds Conference for Carroll County Residents

At the request of Carroll County citizens, ODNR has scheduled an "informal conference" to hear comments regarding Rosebud Mining Company's permit application 10417. The so-called Carrollton Mine would be a shallow room-and-pillar coal mine located in the #1 shale gas drilling fields in the entire state of Ohio. Initially proposed to be 9,600 acres, Rosebud has declared its plans to grow mine to nearly 30,000 acres.

"95% of Carroll County residents rely on private water wells for their potable and agricultural needs. Coal mining and shale gas drilling in a single geographic area at this magnitude has never been seen in Ohio and many residents are expressing concern about the safety of that intersection." said Paul Feezel, Chair of Carroll Concerned Citizens.

Members of the press are encouraged to attend this important ODNR meeting that may be the last opportunity for citizens to influence ODNR's view that intensive coal mining literally at the same time there is intensive shale gas drilling is a good idea. The meeting will be held this Wednesday July 24 at the Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at 89 Canyon Road SW Carrollton Ohio 44615. It begins at 5pm.
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