Park Foundation Continues to Pour Big Money Into Anti-Fracking Efforts

From The Poughkeepsie Journal:
Since the Journal’s Albany bureau first examined Park’s hydrofracking-related grants 15 months ago, the foundation has maintained its spending, distributing $2.3 million since the start of 2012 to fracking critics active in New York. 
Like the $3 million in grants the foundation awarded from 2008 to 2011, Park’s spending since then has touched on all aspects of the New York debate: from $100,000 for a not-yet-produced second sequel to the drilling documentary “Gasland”; to $140,000 for Earthjustice, a group providing a legal defense for a gas-drilling ban in the Tompkins County town of Dryden; to $540,000 for Food & Water Watch, a Washington group active in organizing anti-fracking rallies in Albany. 
“I think it’s been a remarkable phenomena here in New York, and we hear this from our colleagues in other states around the country who have fracking running rampant over them,” said Jon Jensen, executive director of the Park Foundation. “I think it’s a grass-roots thing. I give credit to the individual communities, where people have risen up right and left on the issue.” 
The strategy of spreading grants to a variety of interests has proved successful for the Park Foundation, whose president, Adelaide Park Gomer, once boasted of funding an “army of courageous individuals and (nongovernmental organizations)” to fight fracking in New York. Critics, such as the gas-industry-funded group Energy in Depth, accuse the foundation of being a “political organization that pretends to be a charity” whose “footprints” are everywhere.
You can read the whole article here. 

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