Study: Diluted Bitumen Carries No Greater Risk of Pipeline Spills Than Conventional Crude Oil

From Energy Unites:
A new study released June 25, 2013, has found that diluted bitumen – a thick blend of Canadian crude oil derived from oil sands, a/k/a “dilbit” – presents no heightened risks of transport through pipelines in comparison to other types of crude oil. The study, conducted by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and sponsored by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), comes in the wake of a Congressional mandate to study whether the pipeline transportation of dilbit carries an increased risk of release (no doubt relative to consideration of the Keystone XL Pipeline project).
Opponents of pipeline transmission of dilbit have claimed that dilbit is more corrosive to pipelines than conventional crude oil and is therefore more prone to cause a pipeline failure and oil release. However, the new NAS study “did not find any causes of pipeline failure unique to the transportation of diluted bitumen” nor did it “find evidence of chemical or physical properties of diluted bitumen that are outside the range of other crude oils or any other aspect of its transportation by transmission pipeline that would make diluted bitumen more likely than other crude oils to cause releases.” Specifically, the NAS study’s three key findings are:
Read the rest of the article here. 

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