Companies Discuss Plans For Pipeline Through Carroll County

From the Carrollton Free Press Standard:
Carroll County residents were offered the opportunity to learn about a proposed pipeline project that would traverse Carroll County. 
Officials from Williams and Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, two energy infrastructure companies that have partnered for a joint venture known as the Bluegrass Pipeline Project, were on hand at the Senior Friendship Center in Carrollton to lay out plans and answer questions. 
The 1,100-mile pipeline would transport natural gas liquids (NGL) from the Marcellus and Utica shale plays to a petrochemical and export complex on the Gulf Coast at Eunice, LA. 
The proposed project would begin in Mercer, PA, gather NGLs from producing areas in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky and connect with Boardwalk’s Texas Gas Transmission, LLC system in Hardinsburg, KY. About 550 miles of the project will be new construction. About 60 additional miles will also have to be constructed in Louisiana. The 20-inch line, proposed to go through Carroll County, will meet another 20-inch pipeline in Noble County, WVA. The two will connect with a 24-inch line that travels to the Texas line in Kentucky.
Read the rest of the article here.

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