Fracktivists Send Death Threat to Oil Company CEO

Does the perception of fracking
dangers provide justification for
murdering - or threatening to murder -
From Independent:
Cuadrilla Resources' move to drill for oil has sparked an emotive backlash, featuring naked protesters, a catchy slogan (Frack off ) and the highprofile arrest of Natalie Hynde — daughter of Pretenders' lead singer and rock goddess Chrissie Hynde.
Fracking involves forcing water and chemicals at high pressure into deep wells to break up shale rocks and release gas or oil.
Environmentalists are beside themselves with fury over the drilling practice, raising fears that it will pollute precious water resources and even cause earthquakes.
Cuadrilla's test fracking was linked to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake near Blackpool.
Last week, Egan received a death threat, claiming that he would be sent pipe bombs unless Cuadrilla ceased its activities. The anonymous email read "Fracking kills and so do we".
Read the whole article here. 

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