Labor Secretary Calls Increase in Oil & Gas Worker Fatalities "Unacceptable"

From The Hill's E2-Wire:
Preliminary 2012 statistics released Thursday show 138 work-related fatalities in 2012, up from 112 the prior year in the oil-and-gas production sector. 

It’s the highest number in the "oil and gas extraction" category since the current recordkeeping methodology began in 2003.

The increase bucked an overall decline in fatal U.S. work injuries, which measured 4,383 in 2012 compared to 4,693 fatal work injuries in 2011, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
Perez, in a statement noting that “no worker should lose their life for a paycheck,” said he’s “encouraged” by the overall U.S. decrease but said there’s much more to be done, and flagged the oil-and-gas fatality rise in particular.
Read the entire article by clicking here. 

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