Links for 8/20/13: Josh Fox's Story Crumbles, PA Recyles Brine While Ohio Injects It Underground, and More

The News Outlet:  Lack of communication on water contamination concerns some PA residents

American Thinker:  What Fracking Hath Wrought

The News Outlet:  PA prefers recycling brine, Ohio favors injection

American Petroleum Institute:  API study says drilling does not impact outdoor activities

Telegraph:  Law breaking fracking protesters 'heroic' like the suffragettes, says leader

Daily Mail:  Mob rule cannot win the day on fracking

Telegraph:  Anti-fracking zealots are the enemies of progress

The Economist:  How safe is fracking?

Natural Gas Now:  Josh Fox’s Gasland Background Story Completely Collapses

Youngstown Vindicator:  Drilling prospects pick up in northeast Ohio

Forbes:  ProPublica's Hysteria Over Fracking Sand And Chemicals

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