MarkWest Pressed by Ohio EPA as Slurry Spills Continue

From The Columbus Dispatch:
A company that faces state sanctions and fines for pipeline-construction spills in eastern Ohio continues to foul streams and wetlands.
Scott Nally, director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, told Denver-based MarkWest Energy in a March 8 letter that the size and repeated nature of four spills dating to September were “unacceptable.”
As the EPA and the company negotiate penalties, agency reports show that MarkWest and its contractors have had 13 additional spills in Belmont, Harrison, Guernsey, Monroe and Noble counties, including a 1,200-gallon slurry spill that polluted a Monroe County wetland in July.
MarkWest attorney Chris Jones said the most-recent spills are smaller and less severe than those reported in 2012.
Read the rest of the story here. 

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