New Studies Conclude That Fracking Fluid Migrating Upwards Into Aquifers is Not "Physically Plausible"

From Energy in Depth:
Last year, Dr. Tom Myers released a report suggesting it was theoretically possible for hydraulic fracturing fluids to migrate vertically through thousands of feet of solid rock to contaminate water aquifers — within as little as three years’ time. As you might remember, the study, which was funded by the anti-fracking group Catskill Mountainkeeper, received a strong rebuke from the scientific community. As Energy In Depth has highlighted before, a report released in May from the Pennsylvania Geological Survey (PGS) and Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists (PCPG) found Dr. Myers’ assumptions were “unsupported by any empirical data,” among other problems. That same month, the research firm Gradient released a report analyzing potential exposure pathways for hydraulic fracturing fluids, including upward migration from the shale formation itself. According their report:
“[T]here is no scientific basis for significant upward migration of HF fluid or brine from tight target formations in sedimentary basins.”
Gradient recently published another paper, this one featured in the National Ground Water Association’s periodical Groundwater, which reiterates that Myers’ theory is basically impossible:
Read the rest of that article here.

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