Links for 9/11/13: Company Facing Charges for Illegal Dumping, Pa. Fracking Boom Goes Bust, and More

EcoWatch:  Criminal Charges Filed Against ExxonMobil Subsidiary in PA for Dumping Toxic Fracking Wastewater

Tulsa World:  ConocoPhillips CEO says fracking less deadly than coal emissions

UPI:  Oil industry says U.S. sector investing big in emission controls  Pa. fracking boom goes bust

E&E:  White House: Top Obama aide worked the Pavillion fracking investigation

The Sacramento Bee:  Blazing a new trail, Sierra Club risks losing its relevancy

The Spectator:  Think fracking's bad for the countryside? Just look at farming...

The Marietta Times:  Oil, gas firms help local schools

Akron Beacon Journal:  Delays at Belmont County well hurts Gulfport guidance

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