Another Article Looks at "Absurd" Claims Made About Fracking by Activists

From the Washington Examiner:
As more and more Democrats come around to the benefits of hydraulic fracturing -- fracking -- Big Green environmental activists have tried to pin a whole host of nasty-sounding side effects on the practice.
Here are the nine most absurd:

1. 'Man camps'

Man camps, which are referenced in Food and Water Watch’s case study of Pennsylvania fracking, are bad, apparently. What they are, exactly, is anyone’s guess. But they seem to be places where lots of men live, possibly under one roof, possibly doing manly things like working or playing jai alai.
The problem with an influx of men into an area is that the male-to-female ratio gets skewed. Pennsylvania has the nation's third-highest ratio, FWW said. That ranking seems debatable, as Bloomberg listed Montana as the state with the third-highest ratio and said Pennsylvania had the thirty-sixth highest.
Read the whole article here.

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