Frack Sand Operation in Columbiana is Thriving

From The Salem News:
Jerry Stoneburner was in the right place at the right time when he bought 95 acres along Esterly Drive at a bankruptcy auction in 2004, Terry McCoy, Columbiana Chamber Director, said.
McCoy recognized Stoneburner and his business, Buckeye Transfer Realty, LLC at the Chamber's annual Fall Showcase Thursday evening.
Stoneburner is president and CEO of the company near state Route 11 that is a hub for the transportation and storage of sand used in the hydraulic fracturing process.
Just last month the company sent out 16 truck loads of frack sand, for a total weight of 72 million pounds, or 32,000 tons.
"It's quite an operation," he said.
He also said the company can handle growth in the industry and is prepared to store and transport more sand as it comes in, as there is space available at the facility west of town where the former Kaiser Refractory operated. 
Read the rest of the story here.

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