Group Says Halcon Wants to Drill Under Meander Reservoir

From anti-drilling activist group Youngstown Committee for the Community Bill of Rights comes this statement:
Today, the Committee for the Community Bill of Rights has obtained public records revealing another reason for Youngstown residents to Vote YES for The Youngstown Community Bill of Rights. Youngstowners must vote YES to protect our drinking water, our air, our homes, and our health.

On Oct. 3, 2013, a public records request was sent to the Chief Engineer of the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District asking if Halcon, a fracking company from Texas, was trying to drill underneath Meander Reservoir. The MVSD sent this answer from one of the 2 law firms they have retained to PROTECT our drinking water supply: “In July of this year Halcon met with the District. Initially Halcon intended to construct a well pad on property adjacent to the District’s property. From this well pad Halcon intended to drill horizontal wells as part of a 640 acre drilling unit extending 7,000 feet vertically and then 7,000 feet horizontally to access the Utica-Pleasant shale formation below the District’s property including the reservoir.” –Thomas J. Wilson, Atty., Comstock, Springer & Wilson Co., L.P.A

The MVSD has also hired oil and gas leasing issues expert Karen Winters, Esq. and her firm Squires, Sanders, LLP from Columbus, Ohio to help protect the Meander Reservoir.

Members of the Committee for the Community Bill of Rights have attended MVSD Board meetings since January urging the MVSD board to protect Meander Reservoir. They warned that the experimental, dangerous, deregulated fracking process being used now in Ohio using hundreds of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals puts our drinking water at risk of contamination. These citizens revealed an Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) report showing the CNX Gas Co., LLC MAHN-7 Cadle well on Blott Rd. in the PROTECTED drinking water area of the Meander Reservoir suffered a 4 foot long casing split when it was drilled Oct. 13, 2012. Halliburton,the same company whose cementing failure caused the Deep Horizon Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was hired to cement the split. This accident and repair job was never reported to the MVSD or the public. A private citizen discovered the report in January of 2013, and citizens informed the MVSD board. Today it is revealed Halcon obtained the deep drilling rights under the Meander Reservoir in July of 2012, according to Atty.Wilson, but they have not yet applied for drilling permits from ODNR. Wilson further states “The MVSD owns and operates a public water system serving a population in excess of 200,000. The source of the water supply is the Meander Creek Reservoir. Members of the Board recognize their critical responsibility to maintain a clean, safe, source for this public water system. The Board will continue within the applicable law to protect this public water source.” The Committee for the Community Bill of Rights wants to thank the MVSD officials for hiring two law firms to make sure Halcon can never drill under the source of drinking water for Youngstown, Niles, Austintown, McDonald, and parts of Boardman, Ohio.

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