High School Students Listen to Presentation From Industry Reps About Rewarding Opportunities

From Shale Play:
To get a better understanding of the career paths available to young people in the gas and oil industry, nearly 200 seniors from John Marshall and Cameron high schools heard from representatives from several local gas companies about their own careers Tuesday at John Marshall High School.
Organized by Energy Speaks Education, students spent the day listening to presentations on the types of jobs available in the industry, the different degrees students would need to obtain to enter the field, salary amounts and the nature of the work on gas and oil sites. Companies represented included the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia, Eagle Manufacturing Company, Gastar Exploration, Select Energy Services and Baker Hughes.
"These jobs are demanding and challenging, but they are rewarding," Lydia Williams, a regional sales representative, said to a group of students. "You do not work normal hours. You could be on a site for 12 hours or even stay overnight if you have to. There are days when you leave on Monday, but you might not come back until Wednesday. It's a job where you have to be open-minded."
You can read that entire story here. 

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