Links Bonanza for 11/25/13 - 14 Shale Oil & Gas Stories

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  Shell accelerates property pursuit in Beaver County - ethane cracker plant buzz  Greener Ways to "Frack" for Natural Gas?

Energy in Depth:  Five Bogus Claims Made about Hydraulic Fracturing on the U.S. House Floor

National Journal:  Fracking Boom Fractures the Environmental Movement

Forbes:  Colorado's Ambulance Chasing Fracking Activists - Part III

Complete Colorado:  "Frack Free Colorado" Erases Ties to "Water Defense"

Fronteras Desk:  New Mexico County Sued Over Fracking Ban

KQED News Fix:  Jerry Brown Lashes Out Against Environmentalists Over Fracking

The Nation:  The Fracking Industry's Dishonest Response to 'Gasland'

CNN Money:  Best Jobs in America 2013 (several oil & gas industry jobs make the list)

National Journal:  The Backdoor Bid to Ban Fracking  Pa's shale industry is investing in infrastructure

Atlantic:  Why You Might Buy Electricity From Elon Musk Some Day

Abraham Energy Report:  The Dodd-Frank Energy Train Wreck

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