Ohio Fracking Bans Voted Down

Youngstown voters again voice opposition
to fracking ban, but activists aren't listening
From Energy in Depth:
Five months ago, Youngstown voter’s handily defeated an ill-advised “community bill of rights” that was targeted at banning hydraulic fracturing (as well as pretty much anything else related to oil and gas).  But Frack Free Mahoning refused to take the hint from a 14-point loss, and once again placed the measure on the ballot for the November election. Once again, the opposition used misinformation and misleading ballot language in an attempt to confuse an electorate that is seeing tremendous economic opportunity thanks to Utica Shale exploration.
Well, the voters have spoken once again, and the result is the same: Youngstown still embraces Utica Shale development and all of the opportunities that come with it, voting the measure down by nearly ten points.
The language was essentially a carbon copy of the original petition voted on in June, but this time with added language to also ban pipeline infrastructure in the city limits. This added provision would essentially ban development of any pipeline used for residential or industrial uses, including providing natural gas for boilers used by hospitals and universities. And Frack Free Mahoning had the audacity to claim this was about protecting public health!
And further:
In Bowling Green, voters overwhelmingly voted down their own community “bill of rights” charter amendment by a whopping 3 to 1 margin.  The final tally of the votes was 1,191 for the amendment, while 3,548 voted against.
This overwhelming support came from the local officials and the business community, realizing the overreaching language would negatively impact local investment – even though no shale development is even heading their way. 
Read the whole article here.

And read another article about the Youngstown vote here, including the fracktivists' promise that they will be back to put it up for vote again.

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