Are Fracktivists Considered Terrorists by Homeland Security?

Vehicles burn during a violent
fracking protest in Canada
From Popular Resistance:
I have been to hundreds of fracking meetings but I have yet been to one where anything “escalated.” Sometimes we have carried paper gas mask masks glued to Popsicle sticks. Once in Denton after 4 ½ years of treating the council with respect while they ignored the residents’ wishes, we refused to obey the 3 minute time limit and, one-by-one, were quietly escorted out by a nice police officer. But that’s about as fractious as I’ve seen things get in the Barnett Shale.
Grawe went on to tell the Mansfield residents that some people in Denton are “preaching” civil disobedience and that they are on “the watch list” but not his watch list.
When another resident asked whose watch list, Grawe said “Homeland Security.”
Read the whole article here.

Of course, some fracking protesters have gotten carried away in the past. 

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