Athens City Council Resolves to Oppose Injection Well, But Does it Mean Anything?

From The Athens News:
Athens City Council unanimously resolved Monday night to join opposition to the state's granting of a permit for a new oil and gas drilling waste injection well for eastern Athens County near Torch. 
The West Virginia-based K&H Partners submitted a permit application to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) in late July, seeking to open the well on a site near one of its existing injection wells. Opponents of this and other injection wells express serious concerns about the risk of air and water contamination from wastes that contain toxic chemicals. 
The Athens County Commissioners held a meeting last month to gather input on the proposed well, where a number of citizens spoke out in opposition. A relatively mild earthquake Nov. 20, the day after the meeting, ignited debate as to whether this seismic activity was due to drilling and injection well activity.
Read the whole article here.

The reality is that the county commissioners and city council can oppose the permit all that they want, but the state has granted the Ohio Department of Natural Resources the full authority to grant permits, based on detailed analysis of the plans.  

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