Drillers and Landowners Dealing with Safety and Security Concerns

From Forbes:
A few weeks ago, Bill Blackwell turned off a stretch of road in South Texas and into a property where five oil wells are being drilled.  Nobody stopped him.  Blackwell wasn’t a threat. He owns the property, on which he has a second home. The drilling company, though, was supposed to maintain a guard at the entrance.
“Somebody could have driven right up to the house,” he said. “If you have just an open area, people don’t feel particularly constrained – there are no signs, nobody to keep them out.”
In South Texas, in the rejuvenated Permian Basin of West Texas, and in other drilling hot spots around the country, landowners are confronting a litany of safety and security concerns – many of which they didn’t anticipate – as they allow hydraulic fracturing on their land.
Read the whole article here.

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