Battle Between Aubrey McClendon and Ohio Coal Magnate Robert Murray Rages On

From The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:
After raising nearly $2 billion to drill natural gas wells in Ohio via his American Energy Partners firm, former Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon said he will not let coal magnate Robert Murray monopolize the term "American Energy" in eastern Ohio.
Murray, founder and CEO of St. Clairsville-based Murray Energy Corp., in August sued McClendon in U.S. District Court in Ohio for "misappropriation and infringement" of the American Energy Corp. trade name, which is a Murray subsidiary that operates the Century Mine near Beallsville. Murray claims McClendon is violating the Ohio Deceptive Trade Practices Act and the Ohio Common Law of Unfair Competition.
McClendon says in a legal filing that he does not believe Murray should have the exclusive right to the "American Energy" name - and has filed a countersuit against Murray in U.S. District Court in Oklahoma. McClendon also is trying to transfer the Ohio case to Oklahoma.
The rest of the article can be read by clicking here.  The story basically seems to boil down to Murray going after McClendon over this name issue as much because he is angry at the effect that the natural gas boom and environmental campaigns have had on the coal industry as because of the "American Energy" name.

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