Links for 1/8/14: Taxes, Trains Derailing, Activist Banned From All Leased Land of Driller, and More

Youngstown Vindicator:  Industry reps support plan on taxation of oil and gas production

Chemistry World:  All hail shale

The Globe and Mail:  Train carrying oil and propane still burning after derailment in New Brunswick

Shale Gas Review:  Trespassing case tests driller’s control over leased land Activist banned from parks, schools, stores w/ Cabot lease

Shale Play Water Management:  Utica: Regulators Proposing Rules That Will Impact Water Handling

The Marietta Times:  City Council hears about gas well lease

Energy in Depth:  AP Drilling Story Underscores Safety of Shale Development

Crooks and Liars:  States Confirm Hundreds of Water Contamination Cases From Fracking, Drilling

Manchester Evening News:  Anti-fracking protesters arrested after gluing themselves into car blocking Salford site

The Columbus Dispatch:  Ohio EPA director Scott Nally resigns abruptly, cryptically

Tribune Chronicle:  Records bid ends in Ohio dumping case

Herald Star:  Area Ohio wells most productive

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