Location Selected for Utica Shale Academy of Ohio

From the Tribune Chronicle:
A charter school geared toward teaching students skills for the oil and gas industry is one step closer to fruition after Southern Local's Board of Education approved a location for the school Monday night. 
The board motioned to enter into an "indemnification and release agreement" with the Jefferson County Educational Service Center (ESC) and the governing authority of the Utica Shale Academy of Ohio that will locate the school on the Southern Local campus. 
The ESC and the governing authority of the Utica Shale Academy of Ohio are essentially one in the same, as the ESC is both the "fiscal representative" and "sponsor" of the charter school, explained Superintendent Wilson. Specifically, the agreement says that the charter school will use room F112 of the Southern Local facility. Wilson said the room is not being utilized by the district. He says the shale academy will only be using one room for now, but he hopes to see it grow in the future. 
"We're all about expansion," said Wilson.
You can read the entire article here. 

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