Producers Lining Up For Pipeline From Ohio to Gulf Coast

From NGI:
A quartet of Marcellus and Utica shale producers has signed up for all of the capacity -- 550,000 Dth/d -- on what would be a new pipeline route out of Ohio to the Gulf Coast
Spectra Energy Partners' Texas Eastern Transmission LP is seeking FERC authorization for a project to create 550,000 Dth/d of takeaway capacity out of the Marcellus and Utica shales for delivery at points along its Gulf Coast system. Chesapeake Energy Marketing Inc. has signed up for the lion’s share of the capacity. 
The "production-driven project" would involve installation of 76 miles of 30-inch diameter pipeline (the Ohio extension), two compressor units and related facilities in Ohio, as well as modifications to compressor stations to allow flow reversal on a portion of the Texas Eastern system. Existing Texas Eastern facilities in Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana would be modified. The plan is called the Ohio Pipeline Energy Network (OPEN) project. 
"...Project shippers will be able to further transport their production to markets in the Southeast through Texas Eastern's interconnections with downstream pipelines in its access area," the pipeline told the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in a filing dated Friday.
Read the entire article here. 

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