Links for 4/18/14: Drilling on State Land Brings Big Money, Alarmist Fracktivists, Frac Sand Mines in the Spotlight, and More

Colorado Peak Politics:  Do Fractivists Even Know What They’re Protesting?   -   "A recent Bloomberg article revealed an interesting fact about some of the fractivists in Colorado trying to push a so-called local control measure that would stunt the growth of any business in Colorado localities – either they don’t understand what they’re pushing or are willfully misleading..."

Forbes:  Harold Hamm: The Billionaire Oilman Fueling America's Recovery   -   "Two Scotches in, with seats on the floor of Oklahoma City’s Chesapeake Energy CHK +2.47% Arena, Harold Hamm is feeling good. And why not? His hometown Thunder is spending the evening whupping..."

Washington Post:  Radioactive Waste Booms With Oil as U.S. States Weigh Rules   -   "Oilfields are spinning off thousands of tons of low-level radioactive trash as the U.S. drilling boom leads to a surge in illegal dumping and states debate how much landfills can safely take. State regulators are caught between environmental and public health groups demanding more regulation and the industry, which says it’s already..."

TribLIVE:  State reaps $582M windfall on gas drilling in state forests   -   "Private natural gas and oil wells in state forests pumped $582 million into Pennsylvania budgets in five years, more than tripling the combined revenue of the prior 60 years, state forestry officials said on..."

Oil Sands:  Whom to believe on Keystone XL – activists and Hollywood actors or actual experts?   -   "Today, several news outlets reported on a letter written by former President Jimmy Carter along with other Nobel laureates against Keystone XL. Considering that the usual suspects – NRDC and the Sierra Club – were behind the effort, it’s no surprise that..."

National Journal:  States Peering Over the Fence on Fracking Rules   -   "The natural-gas boom that has taken the country by storm has also taken states by surprise. Government with little experience in the relatively new hydraulic fracturing procedures are scrambling to..."

The Atlantic Cities:  Why Your Neighbors Will Finance Solar Panels for Your Roof   -   "Here's another reason to be nice to the neighbors: They might just give you a no-money-down, low-cost loan to put solar panels on your roof, and once you pay off that debt you’ll get essentially free electricity as long as you..."

PennEnergy:  Gastar Exploration begins drilling new well in Utica Shale   -   "Gastar Exploration, Inc. announced it began drilling its first Utica/Point Pleasant well on April 3, 2014. Gastar explores and develops drilling opportunities for oil and natural gas in the U.S. Its current projects focus on the Marcellus Shale in West Virginia, the Hunton Limestone play in Oklahoma and now the Utica Shale..."

Grist:  Here's What Fracking Can Do to Your Health   -   "If you know one thing about fracking, it might be that the wells have been linked to explosive tap water. Of course, a tendency toward combustion isn’t the biggest problem with gas-infused water; it’s what could happen to you when you drink..."

Great Lakes Echo:  Fracking sand mines credited for fluctuating property values   -   "Perry Schmitt describes himself as pro-mining but blames the frac sand mine across the highway from his home for driving down the asking price by more than $25,000, to $189,000. His neighbors made out better. Kari Curran and her husband sold 130 acres for $1.5 million to a company affiliated with Unimin Mining Corp., operator of..."

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