Links for 4/27/14: Change at the Top For Utica Driller Gulfport, Another Shale Success Story, and More

Press release:  Gulfport Energy Corporation Names Michael Moore Chief Executive Officer, Ross Kirtley Chief Operations Officer and Appoints Michael Reddin and Michael Moore to Its Board of Directors

Weirton Daily Times:  Vendors Benefit From Shale Boom   -   "Eagle Manufacturing soon will hire about 25 additional employees as it prepares to roll out a new spill containment system for oil and gas drilling rig sites, according to..." 

Public News Service:  Marcellus Waste Radioactivity In Water Leaching From Landfills   -   "Tests show that wastewater from gas field landfills contains radioactivity. That is raising concerns about the disposal of..."

Mansfield News Journal:  Frack Free Ohio Cites Success in Richland   -   "Frack Free Ohio soon will wrap up its Richland County campaign. But the group has its sights set on educational programs in Ashland and Crawford counties. “We were very successful in Mansfield,” said Bill Baker, the..."

Ohio Business Roundtable:  Statement on Ernst & Young Analysis of Severance Tax Provisions in 
Governor Kasich’s 2014 Mid-Biennium Budget Review   -   (Ohio Business Roundtable says it supports severance tax proposal)

Wall Street Journal:  Welders Make $150,000? Bring Back Shop Class   -   "In American high schools, it is becoming increasingly hard to defend the vanishing of shop class from the curriculum. The trend began in the 1970s, when it became conventional wisdom that a four-year college degree was..."

Platts:  Next disruptive shale technology will improve recoveries: Schlumberger fellow   -   "Technologies that will increase the low rate of ultimate recoveries in shale plays are the next disruptive forces in US oil and gas production, experts said Tuesday in Washington. "The revolutionary change will be breaking out of the primary recovery trap," Schlumberger fellow Robert Kleinberg said. "How do you..."

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