41 Vendors Turn Out for Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Business Expo

ODNR Director James Zehringer speaks at the
Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Business Expo
Atwood Lake Resort was the spot to be today to speak to various company representatives who are working to be a part of the Utica shale scene.  41 vendors turned out for this year's Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Business Expo.

James Zehringer, Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and ODNR Oil and Gas Division Chief Rick Simmers both addressed attendees with updates on the department's initiatives to improve the state's parks and a great deal of information about the Utica shale development that has been seen so far, as well as a look to the future and what the ODNR is doing to protect state land and residents from potential shale drilling impacts.

There was a lot of ground covered, particularly by Simmers.  Some of the key takeaways:

  • despite some reports that the Utica shale development is not progressing as expected, Simmers stressed that the development has followed very closely the estimates that the ODNR has released year by year
  • Ohio is working with several other states to ensure that the best regulations are in place to monitor and protect against seismic events that could occur from well completions and wastewater injection
  • Utica shale wells are producing monumental levels of oil and gas when compared to the conventional wells in the state

We will have more details from the speeches by Zehringer and Simmers in another post, once we've had a chance to go back through and give them another careful listen.

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