New Studies Conclude That Fracking Isn't an Imminent Threat to Groundwater

From Shale Resource Centre Canada:
As Canada celebrated Environment Week last week, researchers at Cape Breton University released their long awaited reports on hydraulic fracturing.  The conclusion is clear: hydraulic fracturing does not pose a credible threat to groundwater, as long as the process is closely monitored and regulated. 
According to the first report, which looks at impacts on water quality, the fractures would be “hundreds of metres away from the underside of the aquifer.”  Therefore, 
“Due to the distance between the targeted formation and the aquifer, it is anticipated that fractures would not extend from the shale to the aquifer, and thus direct contamination from hydraulic fracturing fluids would appear unlikely.” (emphasis added, p. 10). 
The report also addresses the use of chemicals in hydraulic fracturing, pointing out that many of them are safely utilized by other industries. As with chemical usage in any industry, the process must be carefully managed. If it is, there is no serious public health concern.
Click here to read more. 

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