Links for 7/31/14: Company Opens Office in Ohio, Utica Shale Draws Comparison to Eagle Ford, and More

Marcellus Drilling News: Towns that Ban Fracking Could be Bankrupted by Takings Lawsuits (subscription required) - "One study mentioned in the NARO announcement says that bans and moratoria in Boulder County, CO could result in more than one billion dollars of “takings” lawsuits by landowners. In other words, the lawsuits will bankrupt the towns and villages stupid enough to enact a ban. Are you listening..." PRWeb: All Over the Map: Fenstermaker Extends Locational Reach to the Ohio Region - "Fresh on the heels of announcing the ribbon cutting ceremony for its office in Lakes Charles, Louisiana , Fenstermaker confirms that a new location has been established in Cambridge, Ohio. Providing energy services to a growing number of clients in the Utica Shale Play since October 2013, the company..." Columbus Business First: Utica shale production comparable to Eagle Ford’s startup, EIA says - "Initia...