Links for 5/15/14: Ohio Churches Fight Fracking, Activists Again Go After GreenHunter, and More

Seeking Alpha:  Chesapeake: NGLs To Deliver Long-Term Growth   -   "Chesapeake Energy (CHK) raised its 2014 total production growth outlook to 9%-12%, up from the previous estimate of 8%-10%, driven by better natural gas liquids volumes. In addition, since the company has shifted its focus on the liquid-rich plays, its liquid production is expected to increase by approximately 29%-33% in 2014. The company also expects..."

WKZO News:  Chesapeake faces trial on bid-rigging in Michigan lease sale   -   "A judge in Michigan has ruled that Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy Corp must face a criminal trial on a charge of bid-rigging with competitor Encana Corp at a 2010 state land lease auction, citing evidence of a conspiracy between the companies that drove state lease prices down sharply.  The ruling, issued on Wednesday by Judge Maria Barton of Michigan’s Cheboygan County District Court, dismissed two other..."

The Northern Miner:  US Silica boosts production to meet growing frac sand demand - "U.S. Silica Holdings (NYSE: SLCA), like many other U.S.-based frac sand miners, is boosting its production capacity to meet the growing demand for this special type of sand used in oil and gas drilling. By the end of 2013, U.S. Silica, which has two operating segments — oil and gas, and industrial and specialty products — grew its total oil and gas capacity to..."

The Columbus Dispatch:  Ohio keeps oil hauls by rail a secret   -   "State officials won’t release records detailing when railroads ship Bakken crude oil through Ohio. Federal regulators have warned that oil extracted from the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota might be more flammable than traditional heavy crude. Derailments and explosions of trains carrying Bakken crude spurred a..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Faith communities back restoring Ohio renewable standards   -   "At its recent June meeting at First Grace United Church of Christ in Akron, FaCT – FaithCommunities Together for Frack Awareness unanimously adopted a letter to Governor John Kasich and to the members of the Ohio General Assembly urging them to restore Ohio’s renewable energy standards that were frozen by enactment of SB 221 on June 13, 2014.  The inter-faith group, which has been advocating against fracking and for rapid conversion to all-renewables since 2011, pointed out that this is a moral issue and..."

Ohio Gas & Oil:  Playing lease "poker"   -   "You'd think it would be a no-brainer.  A company takes an oil and gas lease on a property. Now, if you remember my May column about constructive notice and the need to record, you'd expect them to immediately scamper on down to the courthouse and record. Right?  That depends.  Remember the old Kenny Rogers song "The Gambler?" It goes "Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...." Well, that the dilemma oil and gas companies face when..."

American Petroleum Institute:  API issues ‘good neighbor’ standards for oil and natural gas developers   -   "API has published a first-of-its-kind industry standard for community engagement in areas of the country where horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have opened new energy development opportunities.  “America’s energy revolution is creating millions of jobs and reenergizing..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Activists troubled by Ohio River barge plan in Meigs County   -   "A group of Ohioans has been shocked to stumble on a new proposal by GreenHunter, a Texas-based frackwaste company, to build a barge off-loading facility on the Ohio River in Portland, Meigs County. Barging of liquid frack waste has not been approved by the U.S. Coast Guard, which received as many as 60,000 public comments last December opposing..."

Business Journal Daily:  Coalition Seeks Plan to Manage Water Resources   -   "A newly formed coalition that represents a wide range of interests intends to develop a long-term strategy to protect Ohio's water resources and address the challenges confronting it. Healthy Water Ohio -- an amalgam of business and industry, conservation, agriculture, academia and water suppliers based in Columbus -- announced Monday the formation of..."

Ohio Gas & Oil:  Mid-Year Evaluation for Gas & Oil Industry   -   "Several gas and oil companies were asked to submit a mid-year evaluation of their company’s operation in the Utica or Marcellus Shale in eastern Ohio to the Ohio Gas & Oil magazine. Where are they operating, what counties, and are they planning to stay or move on. For the companies that did not respond, information about basic activity was gleaned from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Oil and Gas Management from January 31, 2011 through June 7, 2014. From Ashland to Wayne counties and 19 others in eastern and southeastern Ohio, more than..."

Ohio Development Services Agency:  Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 396 Receives State Appalachian Development Grant   -   "Today Jason Wilson, director of the Governor’s Office of Appalachia, along with Congressman Bill Johnson, Congressman Tim Ryan, and local officials announced a grant for $150,000 to the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 396. The money is from the State Appalachian Development Grant Program to train workers for jobs related to..."

Business Insider:  Stunning Timelapse Map Shows 14 Years of Fracking in the US   -   " engineering research analyst Kevin Thuot has put together this stunning timelapse map showing the history of U.S. unconventional oil and gas drilling starts — that is, the recent history of fracking.  It all starts in the Barnett play near Wichita Falls, Texas, then shifts west up into Colorado and..."

Platts:  US shale drillers becoming immune to oil and gas prices   -   "US exploration and production companies will become the long-promised "factories" with positive cash flow starting this year as growing production efficiencies make them relatively immune to flat commodity prices, investment bank Raymond James said Monday. "With rising US production and falling costs per unit of production, US E&P companies are now poised to actually grow cash flows even in a flat or modestly lower energy price environment," Raymond James' top oil and gas analyst Marshall Adkins said in..."

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