MarkWest Gives Utica Shale Updates

From a MarkWest press release:
In the Utica Shale, MarkWest Utica EMG, L.L.C. (“MarkWest Utica EMG”), a joint venture between MarkWest and The Energy and Minerals Group (“EMG”), is in startup mode for its third cryogenic processing plant at the Seneca complex in Noble County, Ohio. The 200 MMcf/d Seneca III plant will increase total processing capacity at the complex to 600 MMcf/d. The Seneca complex is supported by long-term, fee-based contracts with Antero Resources Corporation (NYSE: AR), Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: GPOR), Rex Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: REXX), PDC Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: PDCE), and other producers. MarkWest Utica EMG continues to expand capacity at the Seneca complex and will complete a fourth 200 MMcf/d plant in the second quarter of 2015. 
In addition to the Seneca complex, MarkWest Utica EMG’s Cadiz complex in Harrison County, Ohio, also continues to grow rapidly. MarkWest Utica EMG recently completed a 40,000 barrel per day de-ethanization facility at the Cadiz complex. This new facility will provide MarkWest Utica EMG’s producer customers’ with the ability to meet residue gas quality specifications and downstream ethane pipeline commitments. Ethane produced at the new Cadiz facility will be delivered to the ATEX pipeline. In addition, during the third quarter of 2014, the Cadiz II plant will become operational and increase total cryogenic processing capacity at the Cadiz complex to 325 MMcf/d. 
MarkWest has completed 25 major infrastructure projects in the last two years, totaling over 3 billion cubic feet per day of processing capacity and nearly 200,000 Bbl/d of fractionation capacity to support producers’ midstream requirements primarily in the Marcellus and Utica Shales. In the remaining six months of 2014, the Partnership will complete five additional projects in the Northeast and is constructing eight additional projects, that are scheduled to begin operations in 2015 and beyond.
You can read the entire press release by clicking here.

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