ODNR Settles Lawsuit With Anti-Drilling Activists

From the Athens News:
A settlement has been reached between the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and a local anti-fracking group in a lawsuit over records regarding two injection wells in eastern Athens County. 
Meanwhile, the anti-fracking group is moving forward with a motion for the state oil and gas commission to reconsider a related appeal that was dismissed earlier this month. 
On Friday, an agreement was filed wherein the ODNR will pay $1,000 to the Athens County Fracking Action Network regarding the records lawsuit, though it stipulates that the payment is not an admission of liability in the case. 
Moreover, ACFAN attorney Rick Sahli said in an interview Monday that he has received documents from the ODNR that he said shines a light on the agency's successful argument to the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission to dismiss an ACFAN appeal on approval of one of the Torch-area injection wells in question.
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