Links for 8/13/14: Fracking Ban Overturned, Rice Energy Reports In, and More

Environmental Integrity Project:  Fracking Beyond the Law: Despite Industry Denials, Investigation Reveals Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing   -   "The illegal injection of diesel fuel during hydraulic fracturing has continued over the last four years, despite repeated denials by the drilling industry, according to a report by the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP). In its investigation, EIP also found troubling evidence that drilling companies have been changing and eliminating their disclosures of past diesel use from the industry self-disclosure database of chemicals used in..."

Energy in Depth:  EIP Diesel Fuel Report Lacks Data Integrity   -   "According to EIP, there are “351 unpermitted wells fracked with diesel fuels between 2010 and July 2014,” presumably based upon data collected from, an online disclosure registry for additives used during hydraulic fracturing.  But a closer look reveals that EIP is distorting the data and deliberately misleading the public about the use of diesel, as well as the rules and regulations that apply.  Let’s take a closer look at the report’s claims..."

Weirton Daily Times:  Shale academy holds open house   -     "Prospective students and their parents were able to see what a school day at the Utica Shale Academy will look like and get an idea of the curriculum it has to offer Thursday night at the Southern Local high school..." (Note - This paper forces you to pay to read the rest of the article)

The Marietta Times:  City again asking for bids from oil, gas interests   -   "A second advertisement will go out for bids to lease up to 95 acres of city property to shale oil and gas interests, according to a discussion during Tuesday's meeting of Marietta City Council's lands, buildings and parks committee..."  (Note - This paper forces you to pay to read the rest of the article)

The Coloradoan:  Judge overturns Fort Collins fracking moratorium   -   "A Larimer County judge overturned Fort Collins' five-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing Thursday, offering yet another blow to voter-led guidance of Colorado's oil and gas development concerns. It has been a week of dashed hopes for grassroots groups and lawmakers..."

Press release:  STONE ENERGY CORPORATION ANNOUNCES SECOND QUARTER 2014 RESULTS   -   "Utica Shale Test (Appalachian Basin). Stone spudded a Utica shale test well late in the second quarter of 2014 on its existing acreage in the Mary field in West Virginia. Stone plans to drill, log and take sidewall cores in a vertical well drilled through the Utica formation (11,000 feet true vertical depth). Following evaluation of the vertical hole, Stone plans to plug back and drill a 3,750 foot horizontal lateral through the Point Pleasant member of the Utica shale. Intermediate casing has been set at..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Texas company plans to drill oil well this fall in Tuscarawas County   -   "Texas-based EV Energy Partners LP expects to drill a well in Ohio’s Tuscarawas County this fall as part of concentrated efforts to tap into Utica Shale oil.  Work on the exploratory well probably will begin about Oct. 1, John B. Walker, the company’s executive chairman, said in an earnings call with analysts and the media Monday.  EV Energy Partners did not disclose..."

Press release:  Rice Energy Reports Second Quarter 2014 Results    -   "As previously reported, during the quarter we successfully tested our first Utica well, Bigfoot 9H, a 6,950 foot lateral with 40 frac stages located in Belmont County, Ohio. This well tested at a stabilized flow rate of 42 MMcf/d with flowing casing pressures of 5,850 psi and in June was placed into sales under our restricted choke program. After 49 days of production, the Bigfoot 9H has cumulatively produced 676 MMcf of natural gas and continues to flow at a restricted rate of 14 MMcf/d. Of note, we ..."

Seeking Alpha:  Rice Energy's (RICE) CEO on Q2 2014 Results - Earnings Call Transcript   -   "As you’ve seen from this morning’s announcement, our first Utica well, the Bigfoot 9H is shaping up to be one of the best in Utica and gives us fantastic confidence and visibility towards value potential of our Utica position. Once considered the liability for producers, our firm..."

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