Links for 8/14/14: Chesapeake Seeing Production Go Up in Utica Shale, Peak Shale Gas Going the Way of Peak Oil, and More

Sustainable Energy:  Shale Gas in Perspective   -   "How would the footprint of a shale gas operation compare with the footprint of other ways of delivering a similar quantity of energy?  There are many dimensions to a "footprint". In this blog post, I'll look at land area, vertical height, and vehicle movements.  I'll compare a shale gas pad (which might produce 0.9 billion cubic metres of gas over 25 years) with a 174-MW wind farm and a 380-MW solar park, both of which would deliver roughly 9.5 TWh of electricity over 25 years ­– the same amount..."

Bloomberg:  Oil Nationalism Seen Reversing by IEA Amid Shale Boom   -   "The wave of resource nationalism among oil-producing nations that helped propel prices to a record in 2008 is dissipating as competition from U.S. shale stirs governments to offer better terms, the IEA said. Sliding crude prices in the face of supply threats in Iraq and Libya reflect that industry concerns of scarcity have been replaced with a..."

Carrollton Free Press Standard:  Chesapeake Energy sees huge increase in Utica Shale production as wells go online   -  "Chesapeake Energy officials shared some good news last week: production is up 373 percent from the previous year.  The Oklahoma City based drilling company released its second quarter 2014 financial and operational results, which showed net production in the Utica Shale averaged approximately 67,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe per day) during second quarter of 2014, an increase of..."

Forbes:  Peak Shale Gas Proves As Wrong As Peak Oil   -   "Since the beginning of the shale gas boom, there have been skeptics and uncertainties, which is hardly surprising for a new type of production. How much could be recovered, what were the costs, could processes be transferred from one shale to another, and especially, what impact would high production decline rates have. Quite a bit of analysis has been done by..."

TribLIVE:  Pennsylvania drillers avoid using diesel, kerosene in wells, national report says   -   "A national environmental report aimed at exposing gas companies for illegally using diesel fuel in their fracking fluids appears to clear Pennsylvania drillers of breaking the law intended to protect water supplies from toxic chemicals.  Industry disclosure reports for 25 Pennsylvania wells cited on Wednesday in the Environmental Integrity Project's report showed none reported using diesel fuel, which requires a special permit, since 2010.  Companies used small amounts of kerosene — a combined 22 gallons in the wells — but with one exception stopped in 2011, a year before the Environmental Protection Agency proposed..."

Oil & Gas Journal:  EPA hydraulic fracturing study may be prelude to new federal rules   -   "Oil and gas operations have historically been regulated mainly at the state level, though the expansion of hydraulic fracturing activities has brought with it an expansion in the number and sources of regulations facing operators. At the federal level, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched investigations into fracing activities in Wyoming, Texas, and Pennsylvania and is in the process of a multi-year study on the impact of hydraulic fracturing..."

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