Links for 8/21/14: Methane in Wells Where No Fracking is Taking Place, Ohio Operator Files Lawsuit, and More

Energy in Depth:  Methane in Pike County Water Wells Unrelated to Shale Development   -   "The study began in the summer of 2012 sampled 20 water wells throughout Pike County in various geological formations. Of those 20 wells, four were chosen and monitored monthly for one year to give a solid baseline of water quality for the area.  With 80 percent of the wells testing positive for concentrations of methane, one might assume shale development is taking place in the area. That assumption would be incorrect. In fact..."

America's Natural Gas Alliance:  TVA Approves New Natural Gas Plant, Cites As ‘Best Way to Help Meet Our Cleaner Air Goals’   -   "Thanks to a Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) decision today, nearly 600,000 homes in the greater-Memphis area will soon be powered by a state-of-the-art and cleaner combined cycle natural gas plant.  The new facility will replace the 55-year-old Allen coal plant, which after a significant environmental review by the TVA board decided that the natural gas option..."

Energy & Commerce Committee:  Abundant and Affordable Energy Fuels U.S. Gains in Global Manufacturing   -   "A new study from Boston Consulting Group shows the U.S. is making significant progress in regaining its position as the world’s manufacturing leader. The report suggest the gap between the U.S. and China is closing as China and other nations are losing their competitive edge over the U.S. thanks in large part to our abundant supply of affordable energy. BCG categorizes China as a nation “under pressure” as..."

Fuel Fix:  BP Names CEO of U.S. Onshore Business   -   "BP has tapped David Lawler, a former top executive at an independent oil producer, to lead the U.S. onshore unit it plans to separate early next year.  As CEO of BP’s U.S. lower 48 onshore business, Lawler, 46, will spearhead the London oil company’s efforts to make its unconventional drilling business more flexible and profitable – a challenge in..."

Columbus Business First:  Injection Well Operator Sues Critic Over Billboards   -   "A company that owns underground injection wells has sued a Coshocton man over the Ohio resident’s billboards opposed to them.  Buckeye Brine says Michael Boals’ billboards use false and defamatory language, the..."

The Motley Fool:  Is American Energy Dominance the New Normal?   -   "According to the Energy Information Administration, the United States in April produced 13.63 million barrels per day, or BPD, of oil and natural gas liquids. This was 2 million BPD more than Saudi Arabia -- the largest difference ever recorded between the two nations. To understand just how remarkable that is, consider this: Prior to 2008 Saudi Arabia routinely beat America by 2 million to 3 million BPD per month. Only a 67% increase in U.S. oil production since 2008 has allowed the complete reversal..."

InsideClimate:  Wall Street Warned About $91 Billion of High-Risk Oil Megaprojects   -   "Critics of environmentally risky oil projects proposed for deep undersea and Canada's tar sands got new ammunition last week when a report labeled those ventures and others as the industry's most financially questionable pursuits.  The new report, published by the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI), identifies a host of drawing-board oil projects that would cost..."

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