Links for 8/6/14: Chesapeake Poised to Expand Utica Shale Operations, Fracking Battle in Colorado, and More

Columbus Business First:  Chesapeake Energy poised to tap into West Virginia’s Utica shale play   -   "Chesapeake Energy Corp., the Utica shale’s biggest player, appears ready to move eastward into West Virginia. The Oklahoma City-based natural gas driller isn’t alone in its move next door, but it’s the biggest company to..."

FierceEnergy:  Social media providing fracking ''facts''   -   "We are all too painfully familiar with the controversies surrounding hydraulic fracturing (fracking), but did you ever think about the digital ramifications of fracking? Makovsky & Company Inc., a global integrated communications consultancy, has and details its digital insights in a new..."

US Department of Transportation:  U.S. DOT Announces Comprehensive Proposed Rulemaking for the Safe Transportation of Crude Oil, Flammable Materials   -   "The U.S. Department of Transportation today released the details of its comprehensive rulemaking proposal to improve the safe transportation of large quantities of flammable materials by rail - particularly crude oil and ethanol - in the form of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) and a companion..."

Seeking Alpha:  How Chesapeake Energy Is Banking On America's Next Top Shale Play   -   "Ohio is home to one of America's best emerging shale plays, the Utica shale. Located right next to the well established Marcellus, the Utica formation offers plenty of upside potential to E&P players willing to take the risk in developing a new area. Chesapeake Energy Corporation (NYSE:CHK) holds over 1 million net acres in the Utica, and has already established itself as..."

Alternet:  Researchers Link One Fracking Injection Well to Hundreds of Earthquakes   -   "A team of University of Colorado Boulder researchers began a seismic investigation after a May 31 earthquake. The researchers’ information led the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to request a 20-day halt to NGL Water Solutions’ fracking..."

The Hill:  Dem pulls anti-fracking support at last minute for Colorado ballot   -   "Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) is pulling support from two controversial initiatives meant for Colorado's November ballot that sought to restrict fracking for natural gas in the state. Polis played a leading role in bankrolling the two measures and planned to submit more than 200,000 signatures Monday, the deadline for them to make it onto..."

Energy in Depth:  Millionaire Congressman Has Some Fracking Explaining To Do   -   "Millionaire Boulder Congressman Jared Polis – who is pushing two anti-energy initiatives for the statewide ballot in Colorado this November – is working hard to distance himself from the national “ban fracking” groups campaigning in Colorado today. Rep. Polis has even claimed he’s pro-energy and his ballot measures are actually meant to help Colorado’s oil and natural gas industry. But in reality, Rep. Polis has a long history of working with “ban fracking” activists to..."

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