Magnum Hunter Drills New Top Well in Utica Shale

Magnum Hunter has drilled
the new Utica shale top dog
From Seeking Alpha:
The dry gas window of the Utica play is starting to resemble the offshore with its gushing initial production rates and bulky expected ultimate recoveries per well. 
Magnum Hunter Resources (NYSE:MHR) yesterday announced a new initial production record in the dry gas Utica. The company's Stewart Winland 1300U well, which is located in Tyler County, West Virginia and was placed on production several days ago, tested at a peak rate of 46.5 MMcf/d on an adjustable-rate choke with 7,810 psi flowing casing pressure. Of note, the well has a relatively short lateral length of 5,289 feet and was fracked with 22 stages. The well will likely handily beat Magnum Hunter's pre-drill IP-30 estimate of 17,398 Mcfe/d. 
The importance of the Stewart Winland 1300U test is that it is the most southeastern well in the entire play and effectively delineates a significant area of the dry gas Utica as highly productive.
Read more of that article by clicking here.

Deep Well Services was quick to issue a press release regarding their involvement in this well:
Oilfield service company Deep Well Services (DWS) performed the completion drill out and production tubing installation on the Stewart Winland pad, the biggest well in the Utica play so far ─ one that may prove to be the largest in the U.S. 
Magnum Hunter Resources Corp.'s 1300U well, the southernmost in the Utica shale play, was placed in production last week with a current peak rate of 46.5 million cubic feet of natural gas a day, the company announced (
Beating out larger competitors, Butler County-based Deep Well Services' crews bested a high-pressure situation on the 10,825-foot deep record-breaking "monster" well in Tyler County, W. Va., says DWS COO John Sabo.
The Seeking Alpha article also included this enlightening graphic from Magnum Hunter on its recent Utica shale well results:

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