More Companies Setting Up Shop at Chesapeake's Louisville Location

From Gas & Oil:
The gas and oil field headquarters in Louisville is growing, insofar as the number of companies operating from the site. It has been confirmed Washita Valley Enterprises has leased 14 acres on the gas and oil field site owned and operated by Chesapeake Energy, which consists of approximately 320 acres. 
Stark County Regional Planning Commission approved a 1,289-square-foot storage building to be erected at the location, which is now up and running from the address of 3707 Tulane Ave. N.E., located on the west side of Beck Avenue, south of Louisville Street, in Nimishillen Township. 
Based in Oklahoma City, Washita Valley Enterprises serves the oil and gas industry via pipeline delivery, inspection and inventory. It also has locations in Arkansas, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania. A spokesperson for the Department of Transportation said the company will be located at the Louisville site for a significant period of time.
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