3 Fracking Bans Defeated in Ohio Voting, 1 Gets Passed

From the Akron Beacon Journal:
Athens city voters approved a community bill of rights that would ban hydraulic fracturing or fracking within city limits. 
It was approved by 78 percent of the voters in unofficial final returns. 
The issue was put on the ballot by the grass-roots Athens Community Bill of Rights Committeee. 
Voters rejected similar bills of rights in Kent, Youngstown and Gates Mills.
Energy in Depth had further detail about the rejection of the ban in Youngstown, which marked the fourth time voters have voted down the measure:
Last night, for the fourth time in two years, Youngstown voters soundly rejected an anti-fracking charter amendment, disguised as a community “Bill of Rights,” by a vote of 58 to 42 percent.  As the Youngstown Vindicator reported, the defeat was significant: 
“This was the largest margin of defeat — 15.7 percentage points — for the measure first put on the May 2013 ballot by the Community Bill of Rights Committee.” 
The results are not surprising, especially considering that the Mahoning Valley has greatly benefitted from the jobs and economic growth that have come with oil and gas development.  As we’ve noted before, the region has landed over 25 oil and gas projects, contributing to at least 4,000 jobs and investments totaling more than $5 billion.  Vallourec Star is set to expand its operations by building an $81.6 million steel pipe threading plant.  Pennant Midstream recently began operating a $375 million Natural Gas Processing Plant in Southern Mahoning County. Dearing Compressor and Pump, which currently employs 180 people, also recently announced plans to expand its plant for the third time in 10 years.  All these projects – and numerous others – have contributed to a 17 percent increase in sales tax apportionment since 2010 and have helped reduce unemployment by more than five percent in the area.
Read that whole article here.

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