Test of Waterless Fracking in Utica Shale Could Be a Big Step Forward

From Columbus Business First:
GasFrac Energy Services Inc. has started fracturing its first trial well in the Utica shale, the company said in its third quarter update. Multiple oil and gas companies have ownership in the well and are eyeing the results to see whether the waterless method can be expanded to other Utica wells. 
The Canadian company uses gelled propane – not water – during hydraulic fracturing. If successful, the technique would be an environmental boon for the industry that typically uses millions of gallons for each well it drills. 
Its Utica well is in eastern Ohio's oil window, which has proven to be difficult for drillers to crack. 
"We think that we've got the right formula for the Utica in the oil window and we are very excited," GasFrac president Jason Munro told analysts. 
Executives say Ohio's recent regulation of earthquakes caused by oil and gas activity could boost the fracking method, too, since not using water to create cracks in shale could lessen seismic activity.
Read the entire article by clicking here.

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