State Investigation Finds Fracking “Unlikely” to Have Contaminated Water in Pavillion, WY
by Katie Brown, Energy in Depth The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has just released the results of its 30-month investigation into water contamination in Pavillion, Wyoming, and it has concluded that hydraulic fracturing is unlikely to have been the cause. As the report explains , “Evidence suggests that upward gas seepage (or gas charging of shallow sands) was happening naturally before gas well development. It is unlikely that hydraulic fracturing fluids have risen to shallower depths intercepted by water- supply wells . Evidence does not indicate that hydraulic fracturing fluids have risen to shallow depths intersected by water-supply wells. The likelihood that the hydraulic fracture well stimulation treatments (i.e. often less than 200 barrels) employed in the Pavillion Gas Field have led to fluids interacting with shallow groundwater (i.e. water-supply well depths) is negligible.” (emphasis added) As the Caspe...