Harrison County Continues to Take In Oil and Gas Money

From Shale Play: Harrison County Commissioner Don Bethel said the county has taken in $1.6 million in revenue from the oil and gas industry in the past week to 10 days. The commission passed two agreements Wednesday, bolstering the total. An agreement with Chesapeake Exploration for 3.96612 acres of county property pays the county $21,000 at $5,500 per acre with a 20 percent gross royalty provision. A second agreement with American Energy Utica for a right-of-way allowing placement of a water line over 60 feet of county property on the rail line for $500 was also approved. Commissioners agreed that the oil and gas monies would be used to maximum benefit, identifying projects which had been neglected when the budget was operating in fiscal deficit. In a related matter, Jim Williamson, a pipe fitter who had been working on construction of the MarkWest cryogenic facility at the Cadiz-Harrison County Industrial Park, spoke to the board about a concern he ...