Another Defeat for Ohio Home Rule: Community Bill of Rights Struck Down by Judge

From the Akron Beacon Journal:
A Cuyahoga County judge has struck down Broadview Heights’ community bill of rights that banned additional drilling. 
The action came from Judge Michael Astrab in what was a major victory for Ohio’s drilling industry. 
Astrab said the city’s community bill of rights conflicts with state law that gives the Ohio Department of Natural Resources sole authority to regulate drillers since 2004. 
Many had questioned whether such community bills of rights are legal in Ohio, and the Broadview Heights case is the first Ohio case to get a legal review. 
Other cities that have approved community bill of rights in varying forms include Yellow Springs, Athens, Mansfield, Cincinnati and Niles. Randolph Township, Youngstown and Bowling Green have voted against such bills of rights. 
On Feb. 17, the Ohio Supreme Court in a 4-3 vote issued a similar finding on state, not local, control over drilling.
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