Links of the Day 3/12/15: Industry Doesn't Like New EPA Regulations, Utica Shale in PA is Catching On, and More

Bloomberg:  Industry Groups Challenge Revisions to EPA Oil, Gas Performance Standards   -   "Oil and natural gas industry groups have filed several lawsuits challenging an Environmental Protection Agency rule amending the new source performance standards for the oil and natural gas sector. The Independent Petroleum Association of America and other petitioners filed lawsuits..."

Press release:  National Fuel Announces Utica Shale Well Results in Tioga County, PA   -   "Seneca Resources Corporation (“Seneca”), the wholly owned exploration and production subsidiary of National Fuel Gas Company (NYSE:NFG) (“National Fuel” or the “Company”) has announced initial results from a recently completed well in the Utica Shale formation in Tioga County, Pa. Seneca recently completed an exploration well, targeted for..."

Columbus Business First:  Top Oil Wells in Ohio Owned by American Energy Partners in 4Q   -   "American Energy Partners LP no longer has some of the top natural gas wells in Ohio, but its oil wells are far and away the best in the state. Could Aubrey McClendon's company have found a small sweet spot..."

Press release:  Eclipse Resources Corporation Reports 2014 Year End and Fourth Quarter Results   -   "Eclipse Resources Corporation (“Eclipse Resources” or “the Company”) (NYSE: ECR) today announced its 2014 and fourth quarter 2014 financial and operational results. Highlights for the year and fourth quarter include: - 2014 adjusted net production averaged approximately 73.5 MMcfe(1) per day for the year, compared to 4.5 MMcfe per day for 2013 - Fourth quarter 2014 adjusted net production increased to..."

Daily Jeffersonian:  Speakers at the Guernsey Energy Coalition Discuss Why and How the Gas and Oil Industry is at the Mercy of Saudi Arabia   -   "In spite of the inclement weather, the Guernsey Energy Coalition drew a large crowd of people interested in what former Ohio Representative and Senator Jimmy Stewart and local oil producer David Hill had to say about the current status of the gas and oil industry, specifically in southeastern Ohio..."

Investopedia:  Chesapeake Energy Sees History Repeating Itself   -   "Despite its best intentions, Chesapeake Energy can't seem to catch a break. The company was on the wrong side of natural gas when its price plunged in 2012, and the situation appears to be repeating itself after the price of oil plummeted. Now Chesapeake Energy expects, once again, to announce..."

Press release:  Ohio EPA Issues Draft Discharge Permit to Ashtabula Energy; Schedules Second Public Meeting   -   "Ohio EPA will hold a public meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, regarding a draft wastewater discharge permit issued to Ashtabula Energy for a proposed industrial processing plant to be located on the south side of Lake Road East, just east of..."

Gas & Oil:  'Land Stewards' to Watch Rover Pipeline   -   "Ohio property owners in the path of the proposed ET Rover Pipeline will have an advocate working on their behalf, though some people have expressed skepticism. The cause for the skepticism arose because ET Rover is footing the bill for Columbus-based Land Stewards, a multidisciplinary consulting group with a team of certified..."  EPA Chief Gina McCarthy Can't Answer Jeff Sessions' Climate Questions   -   "Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, can't answer basic questions about global temperatures, climate models or numbers of hurricanes. She didn't know being a global warming zealot requires knowledge..."

Union of Concerned Scientists:  Risking Our Clean Energy Future by Gambling with an Overreliance on Natural Gas   -   "Many U.S. electric utilities are doubling down on natural gas to generate power as they retire aging and polluting coal plants. While this unprecedented shift does provides some near-term benefits, dramatically expanding our use of natural gas to generate electricity is an ill-advised gamble that poses complex economic, public health, and climate risks..."

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