Letter to the Editor: Rover Pipeline Good for Ohio Workers, Consumers, Businesses, and Taxpayers

The Rover Pipeline project has received considerable attention on the Daily Digger – and rightly so. It’s a key piece of infrastructure for the natural gas industry in Ohio. It will undoubtedly contribute to our nation’s energy security by making it easier to transport clean, affordable natural gas from its domestic source to the consumers and businesses who can use it to heat their homes, power manufacturing, and provide fuel to countless other machines and devices. Just as important, the Rover Pipeline will employ thousands of Ohioans. In fact, of the estimated 10,000 construction jobs that will be created by this $4.2 billion project, more than half are anticipated to be located right here in Ohio. These will be good, well-paying jobs that put many skilled residents of our state to work. In addition, many of the parts needed for the pipeline will be sourced from local manufacturers, putting even more people to work in direct support of this important project. That’s not ...