04/30/2015 Links of the Day: Bats Affecting Drillers, Did Professor Hide Ties to Chesapeake in Recent Study, and More

Washington Times:  Obama bat protection decried as ploy to thwart oil and gas extraction, logging   -   "A tiny brown bat known for its long ears is giving the creeps to those fearful of its potential to make jobs in the East and Midwest disappear. Two weeks ago, the Fish and Wildlife Service listed the northern long-eared bat as “threatened” under..."

Daily Jeffersonian:  ET ROVER PIPELINE GETTING READY TO ROLL IN 2016   -   "The Energy Transfer Rover Pipeline scenario continues to unfold with few surprises. Well, maybe one. Back in November 2014, Energy Transfer submitted the necessary paperwork to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to begin..."

Syracuse.com:  Critics say SU prof hid ties to gas driller Chesapeake in fracking study   -   "A Syracuse University researcher has come under fire from anti-fracking activists for failing to disclose his ties to the gas industry in a recent study. Donald Siegel has said he has a contract with Chesapeake Energy Corp., and another author of the paper worked..."

Seeking Alpha:  EQT Corporation's (EQT) CEO David Porges on Q1 2015 Results - Earnings Call Transcript   -   "Moving on to our dry gas Utica well, as you know, we spud this Greene County well in November. During the drilling of the curve, we encountered higher than expected reservoir pressures, and based on the pressures observed, we needed to significantly increase our mud weight, which required..."

The New Republic:  Big Oil to Pope Francis: We Know What's Best for the World's Poor   -   "Here's a hint: Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank closely aligned with the fossil fuel industry and climate-change denial, will send its own “experts” to the Vatican to argue against the Pope's points in a side panel for reporters. These experts will no doubt..."

Energy in Depth:  Columbus Anti-Fracking Rally a Huge Bust   -   "This week, anti-fracking activists announced that they would be appearing on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus to protest House Bill 8, which supports the leasing of mineral rights on state-controlled land. The bill passed in the Ohio House in March on a unanimous..."

US News:  America's Good News Energy Story   -   "The United States is beginning to realize the strategic benefits of the fracking revolution. And they just keep growing. This week at the IHS CERAWeek energy summit in Texas, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz said that the United States anticipated "becoming big players" in the global liquefied natural gas market and that “there’s a good chance that..."

FuelFix:  OPEC oil output near 2 1/2-year high as Saudis show no letup   -   "OPEC oil production was little changed in April near the highest level since November 2012, as Saudi Arabia pumped 10 million barrels a day. Production by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries slipped 1,000 barrels to 31.295 million a day this month, according to a Bloomberg survey of oil companies, producers and analysts. Last month’s total was revised 267,000 barrels higher to..."

Pittsburgh Business Times:  Monster wells boost the potential for Range Resources' southwestern Pennsylvania acreage   -   "Officials from Range Resources Corp.(NYSE:RRC) say that two recently drilled natural gas wells in Washington County help demonstrate that the company is sitting atop of the best part of..."

FT.com:  Energy earnings run dry in Americas   -   "The slump in oil and natural gas prices since last summer has driven the American production operations of the world’s largest oil companies into losses. ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips of the US on Thursday reported that they lost money on oil and gas production in their home country in the first quarter. Meanwhile, Royal Dutch Shell disclosed a $1.1bn loss at its upstream exploration and production business in the Americas, and suggested..."

ThinkProgress:  Air Pollution From Fracking Wells Could Be Traveling Hundreds Of Miles Downwind   -   "Air pollution from hydraulic fracturing operations can likely travel hundreds of miles, even into states with little or no fracking, a new study has found. The study, published in the journal Atmospheric Environment, looked at hourly measurements of air pollutants like ethane and methane — gases that are found in natural gas — in Baltimore, Maryland and..."

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